
Battleheart "2" (sort of)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

We've been taking a shot at another amusement briefly - it started life in right on time 2010 as a sci-fi themed diversion, over before we began Battleheart, and was racked a few months later of preproduction.  Now its back, and its changed a lot from that point forward - while at first we supposed we'd keep with the spaceships and laser firearms (a few people may review me tweeting around the range of a space amusement prior not long from now), as we got into it, we ended up simply needing to accomplish more dream stuff.  I cherish swords and enchanting and creatures, and the amusement is set to impart a mess in as a relatable point to Battleheart at any rate, so why not just call it an alternate section in the arrangement?  A "profound successor" maybe?

With the intention that what we've been running with throughout the previous not many weeks, and making huge advance.  It's still far from discharge, so don't get excessively energized yet - the definitive Battleheart took very nearly a year to improve, and this amusement is liable to be greater all around.  That said, we're showing signs of improvement at this stuff constantly, so surely it will see discharge before we're old and light black.

Why have I wavered to simply call it "Battleheart 2" however?  Well, its set to impart a considerable measure of gameplay plans to Battleheart, yet a ton is evolving as well.  I would prefer not to go into extreme part yet, however I can impart some of our goals.  Battleheart was (as the name intimates) all about battle - deceiving out your gathering with an accumulation of forces and supplies that supplement one another, utilizing powers at the ideal time on the right awful gentleman... that is the center of the diversion, and we're keeping and expanding that.  But it needed in two major zones - it had essentially no plot, and no investigation.  Our objective with this new amusement is to uphold the feel of Battleheart's battle, however take it from a straightforward arrangement of coliseums and put it in an all the more completely shaped planet to frolic around.  It's a little goal-oriented, yet I feel like we're well on our direction.

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