
Latest news from Mika Mobile

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Since its been an astounding while, I figured I'd invest a little time discussing how things are going and what we've been dependent upon with Battleheart's pseudo-spin-off.

When all is said in done, Mika Mobile is finishing great.  We migrated our home and business as of late, which was a pretty huge diversion, yet we're getting go into our solace zone once more.  We as of late discharged iphone 5 determination upgrades for our two most mainstream amusements (Zv2 and Battleheart) and Apple gave both diversions some delightful emphasizing back in October therefore, which is dependably welcome and aides fortify downloads.  It astonishes us how individuals are even now discovering/downloading our diversions, frequently years after their introductory discharge, and it unmistakably helps keep our spirits up between discharges.  indeed, as of this posting Zv2 is back in the top 100 applications again in the Us, which is just insane.

Battleheart "2" is our most aggressive extend by a long shot, so its advancement has regularly been taking more drawn out than any of our past recreations.  We've been on it near a year now pretty much, and its clearly beginning to feel like eternity since we discharged something!  Much like Battleheart before it, this is a huge venture, so we knew there might be a pretty extensive hole between discharges this time - some of you may review that Omg Pirates! also Battleheart were differentiated by more than a year as well.  There's still bounty left to do, yet I'm exceptionally certain about where its going.

Because of the way that our diversions are regular focuses of cloning, I'm still not ready to give a ton of fine insight about the configuration, and how it varies from the first ever Battleheart, yet I can impart a few things.  As I specified in a former web journal, we're attempting to center increasingly on investigation, as opposed to the diversion basically being an arrangement of static enclosures.  Towards this end, we chose at an opportune time to assemble the amusement in 3d, with a greater amount of an isometric Polaroid viewpoint (Think Diablo, any Rts, or old Zelda amusements), and make this our first diversion which utilizes 3d polygonal art/animation with the intention that we can have incredible mixed bag in characters/animation without needing to make a trillion sprites.  This doesn't mean our specialty style has been deserted - indeed, we've repeated the sum of the baddies from Battleheart in sublime 3d and their enchanting outlines made the move fantastically.  The tasteful is doubtlessly distinctive, however I suppose its still very engaging.

Something else we're really stoked about is the new class framework.  I suppose one of the things that gave Battleheart a great deal of replayability was the possibility to attempt distinctive classes, see what their spells/abilities were like and play with diverse party mixtures.  This time around, we needed to permit more customization past basically picking between two totally unrelated aptitudes all over there.  The present plan (dependably subject to change, however its working in this way) is to permit you to kinda make your own particular classes by drawing from a pool of dynamic and aloof abilities that are intended to supplement one another.  There will be a few requirements/restrictions for either, yet there's a great deal of potential for blending and matching, guaranteeing that very nearly no two players will construct their unit precisely the same (surely).  Hypothetically, you could have a wizard who swings a claymore, or a maverick who can whip out a bow to do some went strike when enemies are out of blade extent.

Surely we'll have the ability to impart increasingly to you folks soon.  In the interim, revel in the occasions!


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